Power Hour Print E-mail

power_hourpower_hourMany people start their day off by checking email, sorting through papers, and looking for easy to-dos that they can quickly accomplish and check off as completed. But for most individuals, the first couple of hours of their workday contain their Power Hour. Your Power Hour is the hour (or two) during the day when you have the highest levels of physical and mental energy, resulting in your highest level of productivity.

Follow these steps to create your Power Hour:

  • Determine the Time -- Determine when your Power Hour should be. If you are not sure, observe your energy levels for a couple of days and see what time of day you typically have the greatest amount of energy. For most people, this is early in the day.

  • Schedule the Time -- Block out your Power Hour on your calendar. If you have recurring meetings already on your calendar during this time, try to reschedule them. For those that you are not able to move, plan around them. Determine a weekly schedule for your Power Hour and stick to it each week. By sticking to a consistent schedule, co-workers will quickly learn to avoid disturbing you during this time.

  • Eliminate Distractions -- Eliminate or reduce distractions during your Power Hour. Let calls go to voicemail, close your email program, and let visitors know that you are unavailable. It is estimated to take up to 25 minutes to return to a task with the same level of focus after being interrupted. If you allow these distractions to creep in, your productivity will decrease 20-40%. Make this the one time during each workday when you eliminate the distractions and allow yourself to focus on your single most important task. You will be amazed at your results!

  • Thoreau-quoteChoose your Highest Priority Task -- Evaluate your to-dos and choose your highest priority task. This is what you should work on during your Power Hour. Remember, this should not be your most enjoyable, favorite, or easiest task, but rather your most important task.

By scheduling your Power Hour early in your day, the rest of your day will seem easy in comparison. If an emergency does come up, you will still have time to shift your schedule and fit it in. Implement the Power Hour into your workday and watch your productivity soar!


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